Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ich fahre mit dem Rad zur Arbeit.

I biked to work today for the first time since the purchase of my old lady bike. I bought it last week from someone on craigslist. It's a one speed with only the right handlebar brake which is to be used in conjuction with back pedaling. I bought it because it was cheap and it already has a light on it. The problem with Paul's extra bike was 1) it's technically his ex-girlfriend's so I can't really take it with me when I move. 2) it doesn't have a working light and die Polizei are very strict when it comes to biking at night. A fine for not having lights is more than 2 months rent. No thanks. So I bought myself this beauty. It has a really wide seat and a basket on the back. It also has a bell on the left handlebar. So I pretty much look like an old lady casually pedaling to the grocery store all the time. It's not really a magnet for fine young gentlemen, but since when have I needed a ruse? I rode it home from my shady back alley purchase of it (just kidding, we were in a courtyard). It was dark, cold, and rainy on the ride home, but it was only 2 km away and I knew the way, so it was kein Problem (no problem). However, the next morning my calves were sore. That is apparently how long it had been since I rode a bike. I swear the fact that it was cold contributed greatly to the aching muscles, or I'm just that pathetic that I can't bike 2 km (which is 1.2 miles for all of you English system users) without being sore the next day.

I had the rest of the week left on my Monatskarte (month pass for the U-bahn) so I continued to ride it to work instead of biking (out of laziness and the fact that it wouldn't stop raining). I decided to give it a try today though. I had no idea how long it would take. According to google maps, it was 10.something km that would take 2 hours and 15 min to walk. I was going to leave early to give myself plenty of time for getting lost (the probability of which I thought was relatively high) but ended up leaving 45 mins after I wanted to. I was probably somewhere between 1 and 2 km away when I got stuck behind an actual old lady casually pedaling somewhere (probably from somewhere since her basket was already full). Not wanting to bike that slowly, I made my move to pass her.

Some things about Berlin you should know:
It is very bike friendly. On almost every street there is either a bike lane on the road, or on the sidewalk.
German roads and sidewalks are very often cobblestone.
The bike lanes are indicated by a different pattern in the cobblestone (normally small, close together stones to allow for a smoothe ride).

On this particular road, the bike lane was on the sidewalk. Separating the bike lane from the pedestrian lane, was a small line of bricks. Ontop of the bricks were lots of colorful autumn leaves. So in order to pass this lady, I would have to simply ride over the slightly raised bricks and go around her. Most people with basic bicycle maneuvering skills would be able to accomplish this feat without much of a problem. But for some reason, I forgot to take Physics into consideration. There are a series of laws pertaining to motion, that most people naturally execute. I failed to do so at this moment. I pretty much hit the bricks with my wheel directly parallel to it, which changed the direction of the movement of the wheels to directly perpendicular (sideways) to the one in which they were moving (forward). In laymen's terms, my bike stopped and I fell off. Now I was only going like 2 km/hr so the only things bruised were my pride and my left knee. There was no blood (and no 12 stitches needed). The bike was a little twisted at the handlebars, but I was able to move them back in place with relative ease. For a second I contemplated going back and taking the U-Bahn, but then I remembered some saying about falling off a horse and getting back on, so I persevered.

The remainder of the journey was uneventful. I didn't get lost and I made it there in about 50 min door to door. So it's pretty much exactly the same as the U-bahn. I was, however, really sweaty when I got there, and therefore got really cold once the sweat dried. Does anyone know how to fight that? I'm going to leave work early today in hopes that it will still kind of be light while I learn the way back. We'll see how sore I am tomorrow.

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