Wednesday, May 13, 2009

der Besuch meiner Eltern

My parents' visit has come and gone. It was an interesting experience. Homesickness seems to hit me hard every 3 to 4 months (whether I admit it to myself or not). Seeing as it had been 5 months since I had been to states and 3 months since I had seen anyone I know from there, I was very ready to see my parents. So that aspect was very nice. But it was a very interesting time for me for several reasons:

1. I live a pretty solitary existence here and like to not stand out as American, or really any foreigner for that matter. That's really impossible to do with my mom (no offense Mom).

2. This is the first time I was ever out of the country with my parents. I have been to Germany 3 times in the past 7 years so am pretty used to things looking European. The last time my parents were in Europe was like 30 years ago. I didn't think of how much more of a culture shock it would be for them. (not that anything 'shocking' happened)

3. I was sort of hosting them, but at the same time they wanted to find their own way around and do their own thing and let me work and do what I needed to do. So this was also the first vacation I've ever been on with my parents where I was in the lead.

I didn't consider any of these things ahead of time, which lead to my getting kind of annoyed, and not finding some things as funny or entertaining, and my feeling a bit exhausted. In hindsight, I felt bad for the low tolerance I had and how unprepared I was at times. I really wanted to plan a good visit and some of the stuff I didn't have time for or I didn't research enough ahead of time. Thinking back now I wish I had been more laid back. My parents sure were, and they enjoyed themselves tremendously. I didn't realize how much of a perfectionist I am. I mean, I was definitely one in high school. But in college I had so much on my plate that I was just happy to get things done. And now I don't care too much about PBDE's and intern work is pretty tedious, so I just kind of do my thing, I'll admit, sometimes half-heartedly. As I told my parents, I'm learning a lot about myself this year Granted some things are a bit superficial like I could eat pizza for just about every meal, and I could never be a vegan because I like cheese too much, other things are deeper, like when I really care about something I put a lot of time and energy into it and am a total perfectionist (i.e. my parents visit, from the past: the Marching 97, and from very recently: helping plan Mel's Bachelorette Party) and I'm way more of a family person than I ever realized before. I miss being with my parents more than anything even when I get annoyed at my mom after like two days for asking lots of questions (again, no offense).

This was deeper than I expected. I hope you brought your floaties.

1 comment:

From Chicago with Love said...

and you miss me!...jerk...haha

Know if you stay in Europe next year Laura and I are planning to come. We are laid back too!!!

Yes the mom thing! I felt like a tourist in Chicago when she came...although it is hilarious looking back on it! Someday she'll learn how to ride public transit without making a scene! :-)