Monday, July 20, 2009

In der Küche mit Maggie

For as long as I can remember, I have been a fan of eating. However, one of my newly developed hobbies is cooking and baking. My enjoyment is very mercurial though. There will be a period of time where I will bemoan the thought of so much as boiling water, let alone actually creating a whole a meal. This is when I live on bread and cheese. But then, I will get an idea. Or I will have a few odd ingredients left in my cupboard and the challenge of trying to create something substantial/eatable out of them is enough to shake me from my lethargy and get to work. Another important factor in creating a chef out of me is craving something specific. As you can imagine, living on a budget in another country definitely puts some restraints on what you can and cannot purchase at the local grocer. Combine that with the fact that there's nothing open on Sundays here and you find yourself looking up "homemade tortilla chips" in Google search. If you do so, you will find that homemade tortilla chips are made from tortillas, which is not very helpful (not to mention surprising seeing as they're called tortilla chips) but you can also make homemade tortillas. Therefore, I present to me my final product:
It's not very often I get inspired to take a picture of one of my creations. Satisfying and delicious.

1 comment:

From Chicago with Love said...

Is that American Frito Lay (resgisterd trademark) dip!?