Saturday, October 3, 2009

To je podsim?!?

That's right, the first title in Czech. I've had two official Czech lessons so far. The class only meets once a week for 90 minutes, so that tiny fraction of the time that I spend speaking Czech will probably not do much. I've been feeling rather pessimistic all week though, so forgive the melodramatic overtone of this entry.

This is Fall?!? is the translation of the title, because, apparently like most places in the world, it's been snowing this week. On Thursday it snowed the entire day. On Wednesday and today it's been raining and very very cold with occasional flurries. My spirits are probably just reflecting the weather.

This job is driving me crazy. Just when I think I have most classes on their way to being under control as far as behavior is concerned, they tell me I have a new class where the kids are the worst yet. It's not entirely their fault. They are surrounded by toys, so I suppose they can't help but get distracted. Thinking back to when I was a kid, if an adult yelled at me, I had to do all I could to keep from crying. I would never dream of laughing and running to the corner taking all of my friends with me. Granted, I never had someone yelling at me in a language I didn't understand, but I highly doubt I would take it any less seriously.

There are redeeming moments. There was the boy who left at the same time I did and ran alongside my bike waving goodbye. And the first grade class that loves me and is very well behaved. I go to that school everyday, and I feel like a celebrity since I go to most of the grades for 20 minutes a week. So all of the kids at least know of me as "the American" and I get a bajillion 'hello's' as I walk through the halls (usually getting lost because the class room my schedule says I should go to is empty).

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