Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why I dropped off of the face of the planet (or at least the world wide web), and why I'm back.

It's been 9 months. No, I haven't been gestating a baby. But I have been really really busy. So much so that my happiness unfortunately suffered a bit. And then I don't particularly feel like writing or at least anything that can be posted for all to see. By the time it was all sorted out and I had found a new place to live, I had already fallen out of the habit. (And I was still really really busy). Plus, I'll be honest, I don't want to look more exciting on the internet than I am in real life. Sp I've taken the following steps to insure that this year will be better than the last.

1) Quit my 2nd job of teaching adults in the evening.
I only had one class anyway, but I still had to go the whole way to Barrandov at least once a month to turn in my paperwork so I could collect my 1500 cK or so. It just wasn't worth it. (Barrandov is a part of Prague that's really far away.)

2) Got rid of my private lessons.
Two more free nights!

3) Stopped taking Czech lessons.
This may not be the greatest for my Czech skills. But it saves a boat load of time and money.

4) Moved into a new apartment.
Well, I did this twice. But the most recently I found a new place that is cheaper, closer to most of my schools, and more visitor-friendly than the place in which I lived from Feb-June.

I don't have any special reason for returning to the blogosphere except that I have a bunch of really cool things I want to write about.

And since I'm soooo cool in person, there's no danger of me looking more exciting online.

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