Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm house/cat sitting for Monika and Dieter (my host parents from last summer in Bonn who now live in Berlin) while they are on vacation for the next two weeks. It's a pretty sweet deal in that I get to live in their very nice appartment, eat their food, and watch their TV. Sure I have to do the kitty litter and feed Litti (the cat) and set up the latter every night so it can go outside, but still, it's pretty sweet gig. Espicially since their place is really close to my work. So I can sleep later too! There's just one problem. Actually it'S not really a problem, it's just kind of funny. I suppose there's an easy solution as well. I don't know the gender of Litti. I actually didn't know its name either until it was written on a tupperware container of chicken in the fridge. That's right, they cooked two weeks worth of chicken so that I can give Litti some everyday while they were gone. But as I think about my entire extended family, I realize that I am surronded by people who are similarily crazy about their cats. Don't get me wrong, I love Meeko, she's the background of my computer at work, and cats are WAY better than dogs (I'm still mad about the Shadow throwing up on me while in bed and the camper being bitten incident) but still, I don't really get it.

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