Monday, January 19, 2009

**Warning Adult Content**

The adventure of determining the sex of Litti continues. The main conclusion I have come to is that I should look under Meeko's tail more often. I apparently have no idea how to diferentiate between the gentials of male and female cats. Miki is visiting this week. He got here on Friday (Miki is Olga's brother, he plays the accordion and was briefly mentioned in the Christmas and New Years re-cap. He definitely deserves his own post, but I've never been one to wear my heart on my sleeve, so this is all you're getting.) and has been accompanying me on the cat feeding expeditions. The gender of Litti has been the subject of many debates. Miki (pronounded like the famous Disney mouse, short for Mikuláš, which is czech for Nikolas) has never had a cat though, so he doesn't have much of an opinion. He thinks it's a girl. Since to me the genitals are very non-descript, I decided to check for nipples. Female cats (and dogs, and pigs, and probably a lot of other mammals) have a lot of these. But cats also have a lot of fur, so feline-nipple-finding is no easy task. Litti is not declawed either, so everytime I try to grope his belly to feel for nipples, I end up getting scratched, and then he runs away. I've stopped trying so Monika and Dieter don't return home to an angry cat. And I've also decided that it's a boy. My main reasoning (besides that I think his face looks masculine) is that since they let him outside, I would assume is either spayed or neutered. And Litti doesn't have the baggy skin resulting from a missing uterus like Meeko does. Also, I think I see tiny balls.

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