Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This year for lent I'm giving up the snooze button. My personal best(?) is 4 hours. Granted sometimes I'm overzealous about what time I think I'm going to get up so I can get stuff done in the mornings. Regardless, I'm hoping giving up the snooze button with force me to think about what time I need to be at work the next day, becaues now I use the method, 'eh, I'll get there when I get up.' And that doesn't really result in my getting to work before 10am ever. Granted my colleagues don't care and my work day is rather flexible, but getting there eariler would allow me to leave earlier meaning I can also stop being late for things like Blasorchester practice.

Along with giving up the snooze button, I'm going to try to not be late to anything. Even if I get up on the first buzz, I sometimes still sit around (usually on the computer) and end up leaving the house significantly later than I had originally planned. And I have a problem underestimating the time it will take me to get places.

Of course, I'm off to a great start considering I hit snooze twice this morning. But I didn't think of until the ride to work this morning. So now the big test will be whether or not I'm late to practice tonight.


High Voltage said...

Good luck with that. I gave up sugar in my coffee, ice cream, soda, and high fructose corn syrup.

I hit the snooze button for at least an hour on average nowadays.

Ashley said...

At first I thought you meant you were giving up the snooze button and just turning the alarm completely off. If that's not the case, what does "4 hours is my personal best" mean and why is there a question mark after "personal best"? I'm confused!