Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dein Konto ist abgelaufen

I haven't had a computer at work for the past 2 and a half days. Thankfully, it worked after lunch today. I got a glimpse of what my life would be like in this was 1995 again. It's not that I need to have access to a computer 24/7. In fact, I would be perfectly content without a computer (at work) if my job involved a little less waiting. I'll be the first to admit, sometimes I don't work quite as efficiently as I could when I'm on the computer. For example I'll wait on the computer for the GPC or Turbo Vap, or Collmn or Accelorated Solvent Extraction or you name it, it involves waiting, to be completed in its entirety before pre-rinsing the glasses for the next step or something. But this week I worked as efficiently as possible. I even started with the sedimentary extraction while the luqid one was finishing and I still had some rather long stretches of nothing to do. I cleaned my office, wrote a letter, and drew pictures. It's not that I need the internet so badly, but I couldn't even type up protocol or look at past results. I don't know how you folks from previous generations did it. Two and half days was enough for me.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Did you just throw out those big chemically sounding words (I can't remember any of them but whatever you're waiting to get done) just to make us little people feel stupid? Well, it didn't work, so there! (But no, I have no clue what they mean, and yes, I think you're smart hee hee).