Tuesday, July 7, 2009

das Umweltbundesamt

Here is my first publication as a professional chemist.

I had to take a screen shot because it was done in PowerPoint and wouldn't give me the option to save it as anything but .ppt or .hml. I may have been able to figure something out if this computer were not entirely in German. Not that I can't read the German, it's just I don't know what I'm looking for in English. So the picture is tiny, but you should be able to make out that my name is listed second (maybe if you squint...well just trust me). I photoshopped the diagram of the person and the three pictures of in lab stuff are mine! The data found in the graph are also (mostly) mine, although Anja made the graph. I contributed to the written stuff as well, but most of what I wrote got edited or changed by the head of the Department who did the final editing. He's the one who took the poster to Sweden back in May. I actually haven't seen the actual huge poster version, but I know it exits somewhere.

Currently in lab we have a new column for the GCMS (Gas Chromatograph, Mass Spectrometer) and the power went out which through something off during the calibration process, so we have to start over. So basically I do nothing but watch people move around really small, expensive objects, and type things into computers.

But mentally I'm still on the American college student schedule, so I've been on break for a month now. So doing nothing fits my plans nicely.

1 comment:

From Chicago with Love said...

Wow I thought you were just riding bikes and getting coffee all year! You are the real deal! Congrats!!!