Monday, October 6, 2008

The Mullet is back!

I ate two gigantic McDonald's fish fillet shaped mozzarella sticks for lunch today. Apparently it's a Käseschnitzel, but I'm telling you, it was a mozzeralla patty. And there were two of them. It was almost too much for me to handle...almost. Here at the Katine there are three entree options as well as a soup and a salad bar type thing. There's always a vegetarian option which I usually get since it's cheaper (and usually safer since I don't always know what I'm eating). My food vocabulary (in both English and German) isn't that expansive.

Another thing I enjoy about eating in the Katine, besides eating large blocks of deep-fried cheese, is watching the high school students. The Katine is open to the public, and on the days when we go to lunch a little later than usual (and usual is 11:45) I get to witness the high school crowd. They come from the Gymnasim (this is what some German schools are called, they are not all work-out fanatics) around the corner that we walk passed on the days we go for our saunter. They have an interesting style. And today, I saw a kid with a mullet. And it wasn't in the hill billy way that one would see one in the states. It was paired with a very stylish (and slightly femine) outfit. It also had bleached blonde streaks in it. It was pretty fantastic.

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