Friday, October 3, 2008

My Country Tis of Thee

I feel like I'm giving America a bad name. But then again, I'm pretty sure America gave itself a bad name, I'm just not clearing things up. Here in Germany, it's not taboo to talk about politics with people. So I've been getting a lot of questions about why we keep electing certain people, who I think will win this election, what I think about the war, and stuff like that. I find myself saying 'Americans are stupid' a lot of the time, and reiterating the fact that the United States is very large and I've only lived in a small part of it. Part of the reason I keep saying Americans are stupid is because the only television shows I watch here are The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. They're streamed online for free. To me, they showcase the obvious things that are wrong with politics. But, the average person who doesn't watch Comedy Central, seems to eat it up. I usually enjoy them, but The Daily Show especially is getting really depressing. The United States Economy is a mess. And I'm afraid it will be too late to do anything once we actually see the effects of it.

I also watched the Vice Presidential Debate online today. (I watched the first Presidential one awhile ago too.) I literally almost cried during the VP debate. To me, its obvious that Sarah Palin is trying to appeal to the average American. And what frightens me is that she's pretty damn good at. I'm terrified that enough people are going to fall for her sweet talking "straight talk" about big bad Washington that the Republicans are going to win another election. I'm sure I'm a little biased since I have supported Barrak Obama from the start, but I'll admit, he seems to be losing some steam. I think Joe Biden did much better in the debate than Obama did. I was really impressed. It's just all so frustrating. I still need to send in my ballot request. Hopefully I didn't miss the deadline.

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