Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wie ist das Wetter?

It is freezing cold. It is 3.5 degrees right now and the high tomorrow is 7. In Fahrenheit that's 44.6 degrees for the high tomorrow. To make matters worse, Paul hasn't turned the heat on yet because he's waiting till the end of October (which is tomorrow, thank God) so it is even colder than outside, believe it or not. I'm not sure how that works, but it is, trust me.

Another wonderful thing about Berlin weather is that it rain all the time. I'd be willing to bet that it has rained 35-40% of the two months I've been here. This includes the last three days.

And lastly, if this doesn't make you want to run out and buy a ticket to Berlin, nothing will, it's really really dark. Ok, I'm sure it's nothing like Alaska, but it's noticeably much darker much earlier than it is in Pennsylvania. Oh by the way, we had Daylight Savings Time last sunday (the 26th, Happy Birthday, Adam) so for this entire week if you ever asked yourself "I wonder what time it is for Maggie" and then calculated it, you were wrong. I'm an hour closer now. But I think it's this weekend in the States (except for the weird places that don't follow DST for the sake of the cows or something like that). But anyway as I was saying, on Monday (the first work day after we "fell back" an hour, I worked until 6pm. I worked home in the dark. Not the 'it's getting dark' not the 'it's pretty dark', no, it was the same darkness as when I come home from something at 10pm or midnight. It starts to get dark at 4pm. To be fair, it has been a long time since I've led a life as 9-5 as the one I am currently living. In college I never had a 'quitting time' so the last time I had a usual time that I went home was in highschool and that was 5 years ago. So I don't remember how dark it gets how early. It certainly is depressing going home after dark. I don't see how you Alaskans do it.

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