Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I made the greatest discovery thus far today. This is another thing I found via the internet; through various links stemming from a question on the Toytown forum about Choirs to join in Berlin. I found my way to this website. It's the Young Ensemble of Berlin. It's an organization for people ages 18-35 that like music as a hobby. They have a chamber orchestra, a choir, and a wind ensemble. If you look at the information about the Blasorchester (brass orchestra), you'll find this:
ACHTUNG !!!! Wir suchen momentan insbesondere Percussionisten, Waldhörner und Tenorhornisten.
Translation: Attention !!!! We are momentarily especially looking for Percusionists, Horn, and baritone players.
Followed by a link to further information about when they meet and how to join. So, I clicked on that link to find out that they meet on Wednesdays from 7-9, and you don't need to audition. It said if you're interested to just come to a practice, or email this guy for further questions. So I emailed the address given and told them who I was, what I play and asked if they knew where I could rent a horn, preferably for cheap. I got a response that they're happy to have me and they have a horn for me! So next Wednesday I'm going to go check it out. They play show tunes and pop songs and classic rock song as well as some classical. The best part is, they're all (well, mostly) German. Meaning I'll actually be socializing with Germans instead of all of the English speakers I've been hanging out with.

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