Thursday, September 4, 2008

Commute Home From Work

I observed the most entertaining site on the S-Bahn home from work today. There were three seats together, and on one end sat a young teenage girl dressed entirely in black with died hair and gothic accessories. On the other end was a old man with unkempt hair and unintended facial stubble. He had sad eyes and was wearing raggety jeans and T-shirt both covered completely in paint. These individuals shared one thing in common; they were both eating a bratwurst, presumably purchased at the S-bahn station before boarding the train. The best part was the lady who sat in between these two creatures. She was middle-aged, well dressed and had the most disgusted look on her face the entire S-bahn ride. She was sitting as erect as humanly possible, trying to avoid any physical contact with either party. She clutched her bags tightly on her lap and occasionally glanced, in digust, to each rider next to her. Both the teenage girl and the old man, who so elagantly whiped his mustard drippings on his pants, remained completely oblivious to this woman the entirety of the journey. The was the first time I had wished I brought my camera.

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